Sunday, February 24, 2002

time and the measurement of: when I was about 13 or 14, my Mum and female relatives would occasionally give me a small pocket diary/calendar as a gift. it took me a while to realise - this was supposed to be for recording my cycle.

when a woman goes to a doctor and is pregnant, she's supposed to know when her last period started, so the doctor can calculate the likely due date. and of course there's the convenience of not getting your period unexpectedly.

I don't think there's a male equivalent. when a girl becomes a woman, she is told that now she must start marking off time in months, she must pay attention to the length of those months. time becomes a factor in her life.

another cycle ended for me yesterday. it's day one of a new cycle. will it be like the 270 or so before it? or will this egg be the one that becomes my son or daughter?

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