Monday, May 20, 2002

how annoying. beset by anxiety, I rang the specialist's rooms to see exactly when she was going to be away. turns out she's having a baby - my last gynaecologist, for a different problem, did that too - and won't be back till mid-November.

so I'm going to go see the second specialist my gp recommended. I want to get this surgery happening as soon as I'm back from overseas in late Septemer/early October. for one thing, I am not 100 per cent sure I want a mother of a three month old baby operating on me. politically incorrect? you think about it. would you want a sleep-deprived, baby-obsessed new mother flying your plane? cutting YOUR abdomen open?

plus I'm not confident she'll come back. all very utterly annoying. Day 25 or so today, but so sure I'm not pregnant that I'm not even interested in my temperature readings (though taking them like a good girl). even got the premenstrual grumpies with my bike's flat tyre this morning.

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