Monday, October 14, 2002

hah. I've checked the literature they gave me very carefully, and while there's plenty about giving yourself permission to resent other people's babies (tactfully put, like "you don't have to visit newborns"), and about hating your partner, there is not one word about hating impatient receptionists.
my dr has a couple; some are nice. this one today didn't give her name - from now on I'll ask "who's this", as it helps when I call back on the same matter not to have to ask "was it you I was speaking to" - I mean, even restaurants have scripts telling staff to say "Susan speaking" or whatever these days - anyway, sorry, I'm in a rush, I said I'd called to notify them I'd started the Pill, as asked, but I didn't know what that meant for timing and if my induction appt was still OK, or in fact if there was any point this cycle - I mean, if we can't start this cycle, I don't want to be on the bloody CONTRACEPTIVE PILL, do I? and did I need to speak to the dr, maybe I did to be sure, all that vague and unsure female patient stuff.
and she (the receptionist) asked if I'd started my period or pill on Saturday and I said both, which was a lie, but I was supposed to start simultaneously and I hope it's close enough, then she asked if I'd started the pills in, I can't remember, the green area? and I said I thought it was red, and there was this silence, you know the one you do when someone is clearly an idiot and you are gathering strength to persevere with even speaking to them? and I was well aware of this, then she asked if I'd started on the white pills, and I said no, pink, I think, the packet's too far away for me to check, wondering if I was doing it wrong (followed instructions in packet, but that's for birth control, eh? and she clearly gave up and said the dr isn't in until Wednesday anyway, she'll have to call me. and I wanted to ring back and say hey, aren't the drs meant to cover for each other and what if I shouldn't be taking these pills like this but she has me intimidated and I think she's a little cow, and do I have the right to think that? it doesn't say so in the leaflet. maybe I'll ask the counsellor on the first.

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