Monday, November 04, 2002

couldn't stand it.
snuck into an empty office with my mobile and called the Nurses.
explained I had no idea when to start, etc. even said "embryos" in a normal voice instead of whispering.
they said I should start the Synarel (nasal spray) on Thursday and call for a scan date/date to stop the pill then. the scan date will be the one to see if the eggs are cooking nicely. so that's the 7th; dr is away from 14th to 24th, so I'm hoping I'll be doing opu (ovum pickup) and therefore implanation THIS MONTH!!!
I think the below post is confused. nasal spray and pill are simultaneous for a while. not sure whether the pill and needles overlap.

feel so much better. so tired of uncertainty and hovering. I know it won't be a sure thing, but at least it will be happening.

roll on the menopausal symptons...

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