Thursday, November 21, 2002

Suzanne the nice Nurse, who looked like she should be hanging out at a coffee shop (spangly t-shirt, denim) did my scan. lining under 4mm, ovaries quiet as. she seemed fascinated with my ovarian arteries pumping away...
so it's all go. as usual, lots of instructions to remember.
I have a bill for some huge amount that we need to pay next week. got more synarel - down to one sniff morning/night from tomorrow.
shots start on Friday morning! have to be at the clinic twice over the weekend; I guess eventually I'll just learn to to the shots myself.
an early scan next week, but looking at OPU around December 4. have even estimated that I'd be doing a pregnancy test around December 21having a good time with my buddies over at the CARE centre in the UK, with a group who are all coming up to down reg scans now.

um, what else? can't reach husband on the phone. dying to talk to someone about it. haven't done any work since I got in.

starting to think eggy thoughts. expect a burst of links to that kind of stuff.

better go see the nice nursey here about my shots...

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