Saturday, November 30, 2002

yay, finally have the Internet back after moving house.

so, the second scan yesterday. different dr (still female, which is good)
I've only got 11 numbers, but I'm sure there were 12.
Left: 15, 12, 12, 10,9,8 mm
Right: 15, 13, 12, 9, 8 mm
and endometrial lining 11.

On Monday I find out whether pickup is Wednesday or Thursday. many complicated instructions, including: stop Synarel morning of booster/ trigger shot (Monday for Wednesday, Tuesday night for Thursday). trigger will be sometime between 7pm and midnight, depending when they are going to do opu.
last Gonal-F injection on Monday morning (now on 300 ui
husband to, um, you know, two days before opu, so he has a nice fresh batch on the day.

have to sign two theatre forms tomorrow because I don't yet know what hospital I'll be going to. have another 8.30 am shot.

I forgot my Synarel on Friday in all the rush to get to my 7.45 am scan. fortunately the clinic obliged with a spare sniff, or I'd have had to go all the way back home! that stuff is all that's standing between me and a big popping-early episode. won't do that again.

side effects currently not too bad really. still a little achy in the ovaries, but really not as bad as I'd prepared myself for. it's a bit odd that I have no more scans at all before opu, but I guess they trust that the follies will grow at a predictable rate, and that the Synarel will keep them from popping early.

after the emby goes in there will be either two more shots of heavy-duty pregnancy hormone, or two weeks of vaginal pessaries. not sure which I'd prefer. the pessaries sound gentler, in a hormonal sense.

so now it's just a few more days of what has become almost routine - sniff, inject, sniff, inject - then we're into serious baby making territory. actual fertilisation will be terribly exciting. and after we put the emby in, the two-week-wait will no doubt be excruciating.

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