Sunday, December 22, 2002

rang the clinic today to see if I could move my blood test to Tuesday, but they're not open, so I have to trek in there tomorrow.
Loretta the nurse said I shouldn't give up hope and asked about the blood etc, but I told her what it had been like and that my body is totally back to normal (breast not tender, etc) and she said I was probably right.
It's interesting how much you can be tuned in to these tiny signals. at least when I do the FET I might have a better idea what I should/shouldn't be feeling like.
have tickets to a stupid all-weekend, all-day music festival in town right in the middle of the next 2ww. I guess I'll just have to nap in a corner and arrive late/leave early.
just hanging out for a bit of dr time. want to know how it all fits together, if it fits the pattern of an embryo problem or if it might have been something I'd done.

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