Thursday, January 02, 2003

dream: I was stuck at work and couldn't get away by six to pick up my baby from childcare. at the same time I needed to be there in time to drop the baby off for childcare for the first time so I could see a movie (you can be doing two things at once in dreams)
the thing I was working on involved some people living in a boarding house.
when I got back downstairs I found my bags were missing from my bike and all its fittings were stripped. I didn't know how I'd get there in time.
then later (it was all very detailed but it's fading), the childcare worker turned up with a trailer with the leftover babies in it, including mine. I hadn't held her (the baby) much although she was a month old.
I held her upright against my right side and as that wonderful feeling of holding my child to my body flooded through me, I wondered why I was going to all that trouble to have a baby when I had this one already and hadn't been paying enough attention to her.
i thanked the worker for bringing her to me, and she said what did I expect she'd do with the babies whose parents were late picking them up?

now I'm awake and that remembered feeling of my baby daughter resting on my breast is driving me crazy with desire.

translation of the dream? that I am running late, there's trouble with my equipment and I'm relying on a professional to bring my child to me? too easy.

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