Wednesday, January 29, 2003

first official yoga class last night, after a test-run last week.
got there early and managed to find the instructor alone, sitting on the grass outside.
so I told him about my situation and asked if it would be a problem (hoping, of course, that I will be in early pregnancy by the end of the 11-week course).
he was slightly perturbed, I think, though it's hard to tell with yogic types.
during the preclass relaxation I could hear him whispering "she's on the IVF" to his female partner, who seems to organise him but not run classes. this was as part of relaying everyone's medical conditions.
female partner has been with him 11 years according to leaflets. I think she stayed and did the class - didn't get a good look at her. wonder if she hangs around in class due to 15:1 female-male ratio of participants, all but one under 40?
he wasn't that cute. but one does know a little about advanced Eastern sexual practices...anyway, yanking my attention back to yoga (it's been a week, does it show?)...I think it will help me relax and compensate for missed exercise sessions during 2ww. nothing seems to strain the abdomen too much, and if it does I won't do it. and maybe it will be a good intro to pregnancy yoga classes. gotta get that breathing right.

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