Tuesday, April 29, 2003

this huge vitamin recall is annoying. luckily my pregnancy multivitamin is on the safe list, but all the other things I take - iron and magnesium and so on - are suspect. turns out what I thought was a quaint little brand is made by megafirm Mayne Health, using stuff from the dodgy supplier.

and speaking of which: I haven't cancelled dr #2 yet. it's not that I want to stay with her. more that I am still in doubt about cancelling the smaller hospital where I did the IVF. I have an appt with the midwife liaison officer at the Mayne Health-run big hospital next week. they don't even do a familiarisation session like the smaller ones do. I am very worried about being "processed", and feel like I'm only going there in case of Emergency, and that's not a good enough reason. gotta decide very soon, though, with deposits due and so on.

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