Monday, May 26, 2003

yeah, so now everyone knows.
my boss - who took it well and went on to chat about other stuff - the builder, who asked why we would do such a thing when we have such a great lifestyle - the architect, the site foreman.
and tonight my boss will tell his wife, who works here, and tomorrow that will be it; the whole damn office will know.

but none of it seems to make any difference to the progress on our house, which seems to be going backwards rather than forwards. I cannot imagine staying out a day longer than we have been planning - already twice delayed. husband didn't seem to understand how concerned I am about being completely unable to DO anything when I'm back; I am going to be a virtual cripple in a few months, unable to move or lift or dig, and the sooner we get in the more I can do for myself.

not to mention my intense desire to get the house sorted so I can focus properly on being pregnant. at present progess I'll be nearly six months before we're home. aargh! &*%$%^$^&!! etc.

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