Thursday, July 31, 2003

whingey post: the hip is actually my pelvis. sometimes I really can hardly walk. pivoting, carrying or balancing are out of the question.
the wonderful relaxin is the thing that allows the pelvis to separate so the baby can get out. but it was so easy to get in there!!!
anyway, it's the back right joint that has got inflamed. I have exercises to do to strengthen my pelvic girdle, I'm supposed to put ice packs on it every 2 hours, and I have another appt with the physio in a week. to put things in perspective, I lost my umbrella at the hospital. I know where I left it - outside the consulting room - but it was gone afterwards.
so I went to check at reception. just as I got there, a loud noise sounded, followed by an announcement: "code blue, suite 121, Victoria St". suddenly formerly immobile medical types began to move. I don't know what a code blue is, but I know I never want a doctor to run that fast to get to me.
felt stupid asking about the umbrella after that. anyway, it wasn't there. and if I take care of this pelvis, mainly by not walking (!), it will get better. probably after the baby comes.

meantime, dh had organised stupid blind fitters to come and tell us how to decorate our house for tonight. I pretty much lost it afterwards; have now not actually done the exercises, or much that I needed to cross off my to-do list. constant pain does not make one a nicer person to be around, you know. he's sick too, but it's just a cold; I got upset, then he was really nice and sympathetic, then of course I blubbered. I think I need another week off, a real one this time, where I rest instead of getting things done. as if.

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