Tuesday, September 16, 2003

second day of maternity leave and I've:
-spent TWO HOURS going to a shopping centre in a fruitless search for a decent maternity bra, coming home with a couple of bags of cleaning cloths and a soap holder.
-washed some glasses that we never use
-clipped a recipe from the newspaper
-dusted a whole lot of stuff.

what's that line from Michelle Shocked: Anchored down in Anchorage? "I sound like a housewife
Hey Chel, I think I'm a housewife"

does it mitigate it at all that I'm listening to Janis Joplin as I clean?

as dh left the house this morning I said to him: will you have your phone on all day? you know I might need to contact you; you wouldn't want to come home and find me here with a baby!

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