Wednesday, November 05, 2003

nearly forgot the ob/gyn report:
a) internal exams HURT when you're this pregnant. I didn't expect that. dh and ob/gyn were prattling about something and I had to say "shut up, (dh)" because I needed to concentrate on getting through the pain. in labour I will be hopeless - no one will be allowed to talk, but I'll need to prattle/moan to get my mind off it and cope.
b) as ob/gyn said "the door's shut". this means cervix not ripe - though he says that changes fast if contractions start. I thought cervix had to go first? anyway...
c) nothing else until an appt at 41 weeks, then regular CGTs (heartbeat scans). I don't know what risks there are in going too far over term - the issue of him being away from 10-14 days over is now looking like a real issue, not a distant concern.
need to find out more about his locum, who is not the one I've met.

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