Monday, November 10, 2003

officially 1cm dilated. woo-hoo.

this means nothing in particular about when I might "go" - just that I probably will. we've chewed over the question of inducing this week - they had a time for me Wednesday morning if I wanted it - but the baby's fine (one boring 20 minute CTG heart/contraction trace and amniotic fluid check later) - so the only reason would be to have my ob/gyn there if I go over the weekend. and that's really not a good enough reason.

now I have an appt to see the locum tomorrow at 12, so we can be sure he's in tune with what we want, show him the birth plan etc. then Wed am another CGT. the cramps/contractions were bad enough to trash my nap today, so I hope it either eases up or gets on with it.

oh, and the scan showed that the baby had its fingers in its mouth...

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