Sunday, November 30, 2003

read an interview recently with Frances McDormand who said that she'd always vowed never to be anyone's slave, but "now I hold out my hands for my children to vomit in" (or words to that effect.)

I can relate.

I know that if a car was speeding towards us, I'd push him out of the way first; if six vicious dogs attacked us, I'd stay and fight rather than leave him and save myself.

But at the same time, I'd kind of like him to stop waking up and wanting feeding at the exact moment I'm sitting down to dinner. I can see how kids can be, well, irritating, if you're a 37-year-old who loves her established rituals, as I am. Are the big sacrifices paradoxically the easiest to make?

this afternoon I finished a feed, finished the book I was holding and spent the next 45 minutes just staring out the window and at my sleeping son on my lap.

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