Friday, December 12, 2003

boy, am I getting good at multitasking: listening to see if A has settled while running water to rinse washing, while logging on...

not very conducive to deep thought and not flooding the laundry, but it gets stuff done.

I've discovered the Rock. it's a particular pace and position on my shoulder that almost always works, eventually. I think it came about by accident when I was on the couch with him, talking on the phone and he fell asleep. I remembered this later and tried it - and it worked! now I do it all the time to get him to sleep. of course then I have to get him into bed w/out waking him, and he has to stay asleep, which requires a special supertight wrap. if anyone knows where to buy baby straitjackets, let me know; if not, maybe I'll make one with Velcro on the arms, and perhaps even go into business selling them. also need to teach dh the Rock, I guess.
the sleep campaign is having mixed results. he's sleeping more, but still only 12-13 hours all up, which is on the low side for a newborn. grumpiness is under control, but, so it's worthwhile.

mil update: she's fine, really, but yesterday when she was holding him and he started to chuck, I just had to grab him because I can't stand to watch all that milk thrown up, not that she was doing anything wrong specifically. she then kind of hovered and then at one point said "you do what you want with him", being a reference to me reclaiming him. to which I kind of blurted "oh, I am". as if I wouldn't do what I wanted, or need permission. maybe I was being a tad apologetic, but still, it was an odd thing to say at all.

and today he was weighed: now 4.3 kg, longer and head bigger. what a good pumpkin. nurse also assured me that he was smiling at me. I still have my doubts, but that's what she said.

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