Tuesday, December 09, 2003

hah! nap! hah!

darling A. has got himself overtired and screamed pretty much continuously (when I wasn't trying to shove a nipple in his mouth) right through 2 hours of my tiredest time yesterday. so I did the obvious thing: rang dh and left several incoherent messages begging him to come home early. finally got 1/2 an hour about 4.30pm and emerged to find he'd come straight home, and spent the rest of the evening pretty much ignoring A. except for feeds while dh did all the baby-wrangling. (and feeds aren't insignificant - 4 1/2 hours of solid nipple-chewing yesterday)

like someone once said: you don't ask, you don't get. and I needed that help. what a sweetie.

now my only goal is to get A. to sleep heaps until he's back on track again. thankfully, he did sleep for 5 1/2 straight hours last night - followed up by a 5 am shouting session, but I'll take what I can get.

took him to the shops this morning just to get out of the house and once again he was admired muchly by other mothers. that'll be me one day soon: "new baby? lemme at 'im!!"

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