Sunday, December 07, 2003

I can't stop quoting this woman. look, just go there.
"One of these days, I'm going to walk into CNN with a dozen infertile women armed with Medieval weaponry (flails, maces, helms, and so forth) and take over their entire operation. Then, for 24 hours, I will broadcast real information regarding infertility. I'll call my program, "Infertility: We're Not All STD-Riddled Whores and Career-Obsessed Investment Bankers. It's True!"

The media portrayal of infertility is intolerably offensive. Invariably, infertility is depicted as being a female problem - despite the fact that 40% of infertility is due to male factors. (40% is due to female factors, of which age is only a subset, and 20% is due to unexplained or unknown factors). But infertility is not merely portrayed as being a female problem - no, it's portrayed as being a female problem of a particular and familiar type: selfishness. So selfish that we all waited until we were 47 and rich with stock options before trying to conceive..."

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