Tuesday, January 13, 2004

and again last night: 6.5 hours, an hour up, followed by 3 more of sleep. what a good baby. and my total? about 4.5, only the first three consecutive.

I think this is approaching actual insomnia. no, I'm not depressed. yes, I was weepy this morning. it's called exhaustion.

can't find anything on the Web that is safe to take. am babysitting him with his mobile while I ring for dr's appts: one can't see me until next week, the other is away for two weeks. don't know if it's bad enough to try an entirely new gp. it probably is, but I don't feel up to all that. I want sympathy and (safe) drugs dammit, from one of the drs I know and trust.

meanwhile, I may punt that a little Valerian won't damage him for life. I don't even know how long various drugs stay in my milk, so I can't really pump some and take a pill for a night. he's not had bottle feeds yet, so all that requires some gearing up. and some nights are OK, so I can't predict when to do it. aaargh!!!

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