Wednesday, January 28, 2004

insomnia 1, bb 1.

two hours in bed, 45 minutes of sleep. it's a start.

he's definitely only crying to get me back in there now; he gives himself away by snuggling in and easing off when I pick him up. so does that mean he's ready to be taught that he can't command me to come back? but he's only 11 weeks!

I cracked and popped the dummy in this afternoon. it looks horrid stuck in his face. but it got him to sleep for 15 minutes. when he woke, I was in bed already and dragged him in with me. then the cheeky little creature looked at my breasts, up at me and smiled! as in "whoo hoo, they look good, give us a suck Mum." and I did. weak, yes. but so would you be if your hitherto one-feed-a-night baby had decided 1 am and 5 am were both good times to wake up, two nights running. especially if two nights ago you'd decided to sacrifice a precious 45 minutes to resume conjugal relations with your sweet patient dh.

tomorrow he sees the paediatrician again: the mucousy stools and blood streaks have gone on for a week, and that's what the lactation consultant says I should do. I guess I'll just take the paed's advice; too much coming from all directions otherwise.

did I mention that smile?

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