Monday, February 16, 2004

dangerous childhood pastimes #3: exploring old houses.

in fact, not just old houses. no, we used to find old burnt-out buildings and climb up in the roof. my brother started it, truly. there was one particular old hotel that was left unattended for ages, and brother #2 and his mates used to set up camp in the ceiling. how dangerous is that?

compared to that, the odd invasion of the deceased neighbour's house on one side and, very memorably, nearly getting caught exploring the live neighbour's house on the other side (my heart still jumps thinking of the sound of that door opening), was nothing, nada.

brother # 1 also scored by getting caught exploring the grounds of the old church building across the road from us one day - he claimed the housekeeper or whatever you call him pointed a gun at him!

subsection of this pastime is building sites: brother #2 broke an arm leaping from a pile of bricks onto a pile of sand. yes, deliberately jumping from a great height. how did we ever survive? but again, it was all fun. and A. will be doing NONE of it.

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