Wednesday, February 11, 2004

so someone I know, who used to say "ewww, children", is unexpectedly pg; due in June, going ahead with it obviously or I wouldn't know about it, I'm sure.

I wonder how she'll go? all this is hard enough for a committed pair like us, who really wanted a baby. the sacrifices and sleep loss are at least offset by the aren't-we-luckies. but to be having a baby a long way from relatives, in your mid 30s, even with a dh you've been with for 20 years (and I also know fairly well), is a bit of a sudden change. she's a smart, sensible woman. she'll get through. but I have a feeling that after June I may need to further develop what's been more of an acquaintance than a friendship, as much for her dh's sake as hers.

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