Wednesday, February 18, 2004

what happened tonight was not the cot's fault, but consisted of me sleeping between about 11 and 5 am with two feeds in between. bleary&vague'R'us...

saw a very pg friend today and dispensed much unsolicited advice. well, she seemed to be enjoying it. a little boy playmate for A. on the way, excellent. I've developed a habit of pouncing on pg women/women with babies in my street. there are two under 6 months within 4 doors of us - a girl and a boy. haven't got them over here yet, but I will.

it's funny with my friends who have older or no kids; I do love them and all, but in a way I feel I need to ease back on them, in order to make room for people with babies so A. will have friends. and I'm not the gregarious type who can see 5 people in a day and call it fun. I need rest and recovery time after each big social interaction.

tomorrow I'm off to see a couple of colleagues whom I don't know very well - yes, they have babies.

(shopping note: is it in Fantasia that the Sorcerer's Apprentice conjurs up a pile of stuff he can't stop from coming? I feel like that: dh has a List of Things to Get and goes ahead and gets them whether we're actually out of them or not. so spent half the morning schlepping bag after bag of muesli and soy milk inside, and half the afternoon putting them away. we have no cupboard space left, it's that bad.)

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