Thursday, May 27, 2004

post 1003:

as I paused from trying to cook a Saturday night feast for several people and pack for the three of us (working bee in the country this weekend), anyway, as I paused to explain to A. that both the ring and the flap on the activity centre were orange, it finally began to dawn on me what a lot there is to being human. not human in the "oh the humanity" sense, just the practicalities of everything we need to know to get by in a Western country, plus the cultural stuff. colours. numbers. ADSL configuration. making a decent risotto. remembering phone numbers. English. Kurt Cobain. Mozart, Monet, Manet and Emily Kngwarreye. remembering birthdays. driving. the Westminster political system. and so on. and that a lot of it has be transmitted by one person, in this case me.

also I must rescue him each time he falls from his favourite new position: sitting up! so I will.

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