Wednesday, June 09, 2004

yesterday was exhausting - 90 minutes drive each way and three family visits while I was there. A. refused to nap once we were there - a total of maybe half an hour? but he slept coming home, I fed him at 9 and put him to bed. there followed apt. hunting online and falling into bed at 11. (I'd eaten a Mars Bar to keep me awake driving home and it had worked) and then, a miracle. he slept 9.30-3.30, woke, fed, then slept 4-7! now he's having a 90-minute nap.

so, maybe they lied. maybe the way to get a baby to sleep is to exhaust it during the day until its little eyes are red and staring and blank, as he was last night. I feel more tired than ever, but there is a glimmer of hope.

the highway to my home town is lined with taunting signs. they read "sleep is the only cure for fatigue", "powernap now" and so on. I KNOW, I KNOW ALREADY!!

an image popped into my mind last night after seeing A with his little cousins - him, aged about three or four, on a trike, hands on the handlebars, looking up at me with his clear blue eyes. and I smiled.

getupgrrl wonders about friend crushes. I have one of those, on a girl in my mothers' group. it's that thing when you think of something and the only person you want to tell is that one individual. I've managed to invite her here for a drink - it's easier to broach new friendships when you're both in the same boat. which I must remember when it comes to making Hong Kong friendships.

it's so close now that I'm starting to see it take shape, and to wonder whether I oughtn't just stay there the whole six months instead of commuting back here every couple of months. I feel now that this is my life, here, but once I'm there shouldn't I commit and get on with being there?

no apartment yet. dh still leaning towards funky place, me still wanting something a bit less confronting.

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