Tuesday, July 27, 2004

my friend lost her baby. she told me in an email - well, she's in another country and so am I, so to speak. it was a saga of bleeding, empty scans, inability to reach "civilisation" and a d&c in effectively a jumped-up third world hospital. she was 9 weeks with her second child. I rang her. she says she's OK, but also that she now realises how much she took fertility for granted.

last night after I got her mail I thought about it, and there's only one close friend or female relation I have who hasn't had a problem, from placenta praevia to pcos, a couple of ivfs, miscarriages. ectopics. no, it's not something you can ever take for granted.

and once, if ever, you have them, of course, it's a new battle, one in which I am starting to hate authors who casually throw in detailed deaths/injuries of children that I can never afterwards expunge from my mind.

my poor friend. she'll be OK. and I truly believe what I told her, that it was probably one of those "statisitical" mcs, a genetic bad throw of the dice. but she was having a baby, and now she's not.

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