Saturday, September 25, 2004

Your answers reflect the presence of significant depressive symptoms. It is advised to seek a psychiatric consultation,
Click here for Referral Information

and they didn't even ask how often I break down in tears, or compulsively pick at my nails, or spend hours on the Internet because I don't feel anything else is worth doing...

I keep thinking of a line in Kaz Cooke's babywrangling book, something like: "If you feel having a child is ruining your life, unruin it...find a way to do those things you miss." from where I sit, I don't see how.

all this has been brought on by an email from MIL (in response to one I sent her), saying how much she hoped I'd delay going home so I could see them at Xmas - they are arriving on the day I wanted to leave, 10 days before Xmas. and my reaction was pretty much anger, a feeling that it wasn't fair to even ask. of course she doesn't know how I'm feeling about this place. but I don't see why I should have to explain that. I already have boundary issues with DH's family, and would prefer to keep them a bit at arms' length as far as my personal business is concerned. their sympathy doesn't make me feel any better, just like I'm under a spotlight.

(oh, and the NYU depression screening test asks if you've felt that way "for more than two weeks". how about for more than two months? or another 3-6 months of HK to go?)

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