Tuesday, October 19, 2004

so I heard there might be a chance of moving to subediting at work. so I emailed the person concerned - no response. I mentioned it in an email to my old boss, who eventually mentioned two things in reply. 1) advice that I should do my 2 days/week in blocks of four days over a weekend and the following two days, to get solid experience. hmmm. maybe. maybe I am capable of learning without that kind of relentless work assault, maybe it's a good idea. we'll seee. and 2), that the person concerned has said I should get in touch when I'm back. wtf? this is exactly the kind of lasseiz faire (sp?) bullshit my company excels at. woman on maternity leave applies for positionl. gets no direct response except offhand reply via third party. I've emailed p.c. asking to set up a time IN ADVANCE if he needs to see me. I have to get childcare to see them, dammit! and would appreciate a sensible reply to a serious work enquiry. my history with p.c. isn't great. he took offense to a note I put in an article once, alerting subs to something or other. sigh. but I do have someone else who would like me on their section.

glass ceiling experience #1: women with babies, especially women with babies living overseas, don't have the time and energy to play the catch-a-superior-when-he's-ready game. I've worked for this company for nearly 10 years. many women there are in my position at some stage. how about some respect and understanding, guys?

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