Friday, January 07, 2005

A kind reader (thanks, G!) has sent me a copy of the Cancer article by Aman Buzdarm that I was wanting to see. again, it shows no negative fx of pregnancy. the women who got pg tended to be slightly younger, less likely to be e-positive and with slightly better prognoses than me. I can't really work out from reading it how they allowed for the "healthy mother effect" of only those less likely to relapse choosing to get pg. there is no point going over this again with my onc - he doesn't want me to get pg and there's nothing that will change his mind. it's quite clear that it won't really be safe until well after my treatment, and then I'll have to interrupt my Tamoxifen regime, which is probably my biggest worry - actual pregnancy is seeming almost like a desirable option at this point, survival-wise.

it also pointed out another study... I guess I'll just keep collecting these and talking to people. years to go.

dreamt the other night that a few women in my mothers' group had had their second babies. so had I - a boy - but he was nearly a day old and I hadn't named him yet.

today I also sorted out all the baby stuff in the roof, put the girl things aside in another suitcase and generally filed it all under "pending" so I won't have to deal with it for a while.

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