Friday, April 15, 2005

five babies? now that's a dedicated surrogate. and while I respect their decision to go ahead and have them all, surely someone, somewhere in the United States will get a clue now about the practice of "implanting" huge numbers of embies, especially on first attempts.

post chemo 1.2 of type 2, I don't feel too bad really. much less bad than with the AC, and not as bad as with the nasty virus of the last fortnight. so we're actually going to Hong Kong and Thailand next week, it seems, with credit cards handed over for payment for our resort, a fine restaurant booked for Saturday night in Hong Kong, and a housesitter coming to look after our fluffy beast. and as A. is off at childcare today, I can do anything: garden, write, sleep. I considered the movies but really it would be gratuitous and I have had a big break from writing, about six weeks, so I think it's time to at least send some more stuff off, in order to keep that steady flow of rejection letters coming. if this keeps up I'll have to go back to work just in order to get the satisfaction of editors accepting my words. they're very different words, of course.

A has picked up more words: door, for one. and he can point to bananas, balls, birds and a few other things in his picture books. what a genius child, etc.

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