Friday, January 13, 2006

a maddeningly frustrating morning of post-redundancy bureaucracy. you don't want to know about it. so three hours after A. went down for his morning nap, I've done almost no writing work, or anything else useful. children make you value the time you have much more than when you don't have them and all your time is totally your own. of course you could say the same about cancer.

mothers' group update: another pregnancy. I've been pretty good about the babies born this year, but for some reason, now I'm past my own second-baby-might-have-been date, I found it even harder to be happy for her. though she has had her own problems and deserves it as much as anyone.

it also looks like, to get childcare for A on Monday evenings while I'm at uni this semester, I'll have to care for someone else's two daughters while she teaches on Wednesday evenings. there's a certain synergy there, but to be honest, I'd have preferred to pay someone to do it. the only candidate, though, is working a proper job now and can't commit.

it's going to be a flat-out 12 weeks of term.

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