Tuesday, September 05, 2006

usually, I nap between about 12.30 and 1.30, or even 2 if I can manage it. today, I'm aiming to get into bed at midday so I can be up again at 1 and in the car at 1.30, to drive my friend to the hospital. she's had her second miscarriage at nine weeks and it's so bloody unfair. her dh will be staying home with her son, who is A's age - this is the same child who's just been diagnosed with epilepsy.

she's the one who is there for the rest of us if we need a cup of tea and a shoulder. all she wants is to be at home with her son and have more babies. of all of us who are still in my mother's group, only three remain without a second child (or within weeks of delivering one): one for whom another child is genetically inadvisable, me, and this woman.

and there is no right thing to say, except variations on "I'm sorry".

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