Thursday, November 23, 2006

his current phrases: I want a cuddle. I've got a good idea! Mabye we can (insert activity here). Let's get lunar! (from Lunar Jim) and (looking in my bag) Have you got any muesli bars/dummies?

my Dad cared for him yesterday while I went to the GP. it makes even me a bit soft when I see how much Dad loves seeing him.

we survived the music class concert, after my getting up at 6 am the morning after a wedding to drive 120 ks home. can't say I felt great, but I was very proud of him; not so much for getting up and waving his little birdies, clouds and stars, but for getting back up after he'd freaked and run off the stage for a cuddle.

and I have a new handbag-sized digicam, the better to catch those moments where you say "wish I had a camera".

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