Tuesday, February 22, 2011

quick blog. never seem to have time - would that be anything to do with the continuous dr appointments. the start of the uni year in which I am both teaching and studying, the painters who are besieging my house? oh no, how could it be?

so the cyst seems to be a harmless thingy just sitting there, as I got my period - did I blog this? - and we went into a new cycle. the scan showed it still there. I can't see this being anything but ovulation - the bleed was bang on 27 days, which is how it used to be back when I was a normal human being.

anyway took all the pills and yesterday went in for tx, complete with new formalities of pre-op interview, heart and blood pressure tests and a medical bracelet. like it's any more likely to cause hospitalisation than the average gp Pap smear. ridiculous.

the doctor gave me the whole "we need to talk" thing. turned out the emby was just sitting there on 3 cells, refusing to move. not expired, but not very interested in life either. she gave it a 10% chance and offered to discard it and thaw another - we wouldn't do two on purpose, though all this did prompt a discussion with dh about what to do if one splits in the petri dish.

so of course I was not interested in discarding it. going for every percentage point we can, a bit like with the cancer. and the minute the embryologist looked at it again it was "trying to divide". so I have a not very excited but possibly viable emby on board, #4 of my allocated 8 chances and here we go again with the 2ww.

has dawned on me that not all of the remaining 4 can be counted on to survive thaw. so got to get the mental thing under control.

a friend who's having personal family problems hung up on me today, well, as good as, when I was trying to talk through when we'd catch up. it sent me into tears. so I'm not as cool as I thought I was. or it's the hormones. or both.

hey ho.

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